Positive Economics Definition, Latest News, and Why Positive Economics is Important?

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Positive economics is focused on the facts and analyses of the effects of such decisions in society and thereby it helps by providing a statement that comprises the necessary information to make a sound economic decision. Statement gives a value judgment on India’s population. Unemployment is reduced due to the measures taken by the government. State its economic value in the context of production possibilities frontier.

In normative economic analysis we come across normative statements that cannot be tested as they involve personal value judgments. It deals with idealistic situations and is based on ethics. An example of a normative statement could be ‘Central government should not stop providing minimum support price to the farmers’.

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It refers to objective analysis in the study of economics. It deals with the present economy, like whatever presently happening in the country is a part of positive economics. Positive economics means more focus on data, facts, and figures rather than personal perspectives. The statements here are to the point and supported by relevant information.

This division of economics has a more subjective approach. It focuses on the ideological, perspective-based, opinion-oriented statements towards economic activities. The aim here is to summarise the desirability quotient among individuals and quote factors like ‘what can happen’ or ‘what ought to be’.

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Such reports can be quantified with respect to noticeable evidence and historical references. Positive science implies that science which establishes relationship between cause and effect. In other words, it scientifically analyses a problem and examines the causes of a problem. On the other hand, normative science relates to normative aspects of a problem i.e., what ought to be. The validity of normative statements can never be examined.

Given below are the major examples of normative economics. In normal language, normative economics can be defined as ‘what should’ or ‘what ought to be’ of economics. Normative economics suggests the conclusions and solutions. Normative economics as the name suggests reflects the normative or ideologically prescriptive judgements towards economy. It includes economic development, investment projects, statements, and scenarios.

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Single decision of positive economics has a different impact on everyone. For consideration, raising rates may be important for slow growth and is a boon for lenders. But at the same time, it is no less than a curse to borrowers. Positive economics relies on the facts and factual data.

  • Positive and Normative Economics is rightly known as the two arms of Economics.
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  • Alfred Marshall defined economics as the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.
  • In conclusion, normative economics is based on ethical considerations, facts and generalizations, and seeks to understand “what is” in the economy.
  • It generally explains what is, what was, and what will be.
  • Factories should increase the wage rate of workers to provide justice for hard work.

One branch relies on a factual approach supported by data. Contrarily, normative economics relies more on personal opinions rather than actual data. Their functions can distinguish between positive and normative economics. Positive economics describes the cause and outcome of the relationship among variables. On the other hand, normative economics provides value judgment.

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The type of economics that examines the way an economy should work under ideal circumstances. Normative economics reflects the what if phase of economic policies. Positive economics assists in moving the economy in a certain direction. Factories should increase the wage rate of workers to provide justice for hard work. C) Increases in poverty rates signify a deterioration of the U.S. economy. Government has adopted policies to reduce unemployment.

B) Elaborate ‘Economic Growth’ as an objective of the government budget. Positive economics doesn’t give a solution at the end, while normative economics can give solutions and conclusions at the end. Positive economics defines what is of the economy, while normative economics defines what ought to be of the economy. It is impossible to create a stable market in case of normative economics. Certain decisions of positive economics are based on emotions more than logic. The policies framed by keeping positive economics in mind doesn’t affect everyone in the same manner.

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However, normative economics statements cannot be tested scientifically. Economists practising optimistic economics might help analyse the consequences in greater detail by breaking them down into constructive and testable statements in the way we’ve accomplished above. They can advise policy-makers in government, enterprise, and other organisations both on the consequences of particular insurance policies and on the specific policies that must be implemented so as to obtain desired effects. However, it is finally politicians and managers, and the people that empower them, that resolve – on the premise of normative judgements – what is ‘desirable’ and what is not.

Apart from this, to learn more about other chapters of economics, students can visit the official website of Vedantu. Economic decision making by individuals or government or business firms involves both positive and normative aspects of the things. For example as given by statements and because India’s population is growing fast and posing problems, the government is doing its best to control the population growth through effective family planning and other measures. Similarly, based on statement and , government has implemented minimum wage laws so that workers get justice.

Cutting of taxes into halves to increase disposable incomes. The government strives for economic growth of the nation. For example, microeconomics will assist how a company will maximize its production and capacity.

With Rao’s mandate, Dr. Manmohan Singh launched India’s globalisation angle of the reforms that carried out the International Monetary Fund policies to rescue the almost bankrupt nation from economic collapse. Rao was also referred to as Chanakya for his capability to steer economic and political laws through the parliament at a time when he headed a minority authorities. The feminist economists, such as Julie A. Nelson, Geoff SchneiderJean Shackelford, and Diana Strassmann, challenge the notion that economics can be neutral and without bias.

Positive and Normative Economics – What is the difference?

The father of economics, Adam Smith defined economics as an inquiry into the nature and the causes of the wealth of the nations. Interviewmania is the world’s largest collection of interview and aptitude questions and provides a comprehensive guide to students appearing for placements in India’s most coveted companies. Statement is normative in nature because it tells about the right thing which if takes place will do good to society. Each of the above three examples begins with a statement giving facts and ends with a statement expressing value judgements.

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On the other hand, normative economics focuses more on personal perspectives and opinions rather than facts and figures. Here the statements are based on an individual’s point of view, and ample data is always available to support such claims. Positive economics is the study of ‘what is’; whereas normative economics describes ‘what should be’.

The economics studies are important to analyze the economic growth of the nation and its status with the other countries. It is important for the overall development and progress of the nation. As the name suggests, macroeconomics studies the economy of a broad system. Macroeconomics is concerned with large-scale production factors or general economic factors.

  • With Rao’s mandate, Dr. Manmohan Singh launched India’s globalisation angle of the reforms that carried out the International Monetary Fund policies to rescue the almost bankrupt nation from economic collapse.
  • Similarly, based on statement and , government has implemented minimum wage laws so that workers get justice.
  • If we consider economics as a positive science then it means that the term economics can be only used for describing as positive science only describes the things.
  • Here, the study of economics is more objective and focuses more on facts.

Ethical considerations are crucial in evaluating the merits of economic policies, analyzing the distribution of resources, determining the role of government, and promoting social welfare. Normative economic analysis refers to the analysis in which we study whether a particular mechanism is desirable or not. In this analysis we study what ought to be the desired situation or in what ways the economic problems should be solved. It suggests aims and objectives for the economy and points out what ought to be done to achieve these aims and objectives.


He was a companion of distinguished example of normative economics like Manmohan Singh (Ex-Prime Minister of India and a veteran economist liable for liberalizing the Indian financial system), K. This is a interval thought-about to be a Golden Period within the history of DSE. In 1971, he joined the London School of Economics as a Professor of Economics the place he taught until 1977. The methodological basis for a positive distinction has its roots in the philosophical difference of fact-value, with David Hume and G.E. India should make crucial, multiple, strategic, political alliances and economic partnerships opines Lakshmi Puri who is a Former Assistant Secretary General, UN. Using appropriate schedules, briefly describe the determination of market equilibrium.